Kohitsuji Project
"Kohitsuji Project" is a Boys' Love (BL) manga series written and illustrated by Sakurako Gokurakuin. It falls within the romance and comedy genres, with a darker undertone. "Kohitsuji Project" follows the story of Ritsuka Aoyagi, a young man who is wrongly accused of stealing valuable artwork and is forced into a position as a servant in the prestigious school, Shichisei Academy.
The school is populated by rich and powerful students known as the "Seven Sins," each representing one of the deadly sins. Ritsuka is assigned to serve one of the Seven Sins, who turns out to be a handsome and mysterious young man named Rem Kaginuki.
As Ritsuka navigates his new role as a servant, he gradually becomes entangled in the secrets and dark pasts of the Seven Sins. The manga explores the relationships between Ritsuka and the various members of the Seven Sins, delving into their personal struggles, hidden desires, and emotional vulnerabilities. Through comedic and romantic moments, the story unfolds with a mix of lightheartedness and underlying darkness.
While "Kohitsuji Project" has a BL setting and includes romantic elements between male characters, it also incorporates comedic aspects and a touch of mystery. It explores themes of trust, redemption, and self-discovery within the context of a school filled with intriguing and flawed characters.
Author: Sei Takenaka
Genre: Yaoi
Original run: 2010 - 2012
Volume: 1
Read here: https://ww7.mangakakalot.tv/chapter/manga-ag956615/chapter-1