Finder Series
"Finder Series," also known as "Finder no Hyouteki," is a popular Boys' Love (BL) manga written and illustrated by Ayano Yamane. It falls within the romance, drama, and suspense genres, and is known for its dark and intense storyline.
"Finder Series" revolves around the complex relationship between two main characters: Akihito Takaba, a young and tenacious photographer, and Ryuichi Asami, a powerful and enigmatic crime lord. The manga is set in the world of crime, corruption, and illicit activities.
Akihito stumbles upon a dangerous secret while investigating a news story, and he becomes the target of Asami's ruthless power. Asami, known as "the black marketeer," is captivated by Akihito's spirit and unwillingness to back down. Their initial encounters spark a tumultuous relationship filled with danger, power struggles, and intense emotions.
The "Finder Series" explores themes of power dynamics, obsession, and the thin line between love and manipulation. It delves into the dark side of society, involving criminal organizations, human trafficking, and political corruption. As the story progresses, Akihito and Asami's relationship evolves, and they must navigate treacherous situations and face their own vulnerabilities.
Author: Ayano Yamane
Genre: Crime, Erotic thriller, Yaoi
Original run: 2002 – present
Volumes: 13
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