Caste Heaven
"Caste Heaven" is a dark Boys' Love (BL) manga written and illustrated by Chise Ogawa. It is known for its intense and dramatic storyline set within a twisted hierarchy system at a prestigious boys' school.
The manga revolves around Azusa, a transfer student who becomes entangled in a cruel game that dominates the school called the "Caste Game." In this game, students are ranked based on their popularity and social status, with the lowest caste being subjected to various forms of mistreatment and bullying by those in higher castes. Azusa finds himself at the bottom of the caste system, constantly targeted and abused by his classmates.
The story explores themes of power dynamics, manipulation, and survival within the school's oppressive environment. As Azusa navigates the treacherous game, he encounters Karino, a popular and charismatic student who holds a position of authority. Their relationship evolves as they both struggle with their own secrets and desires.
"Caste Heaven" delves into dark and psychological elements, highlighting the twisted nature of the school's hierarchy and the lengths individuals will go to maintain or improve their status. The manga portrays the characters' emotional struggles, the consequences of their actions, and the impact of the caste system on their lives.
Author: Chise Ogawa
Genre: Yaoi
Original run: March 2014 – 2021
Volumes: 8
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