Honey includes natural antiseptics in addition to killing germs and fungi. Because of its high concentration of minerals and enzymes, raw honey has numerous health benefits. Honey has been utilized in traditional Hindu medicine for thousands of years to heal a range of diseases. Research and oral data suggest that honey soothes the throat while also lowering acid reflux symptoms.
Honey is an antioxidant as well as a free radical scavenger. Meanwhile, free radicals harm the cells lining the digestive tract, which contributes to reflux and stomach pain. As a result, honey will slow the growth of the disease by eliminating free radicals. Honey has a better coating ability than the esophageal mucous membrane due to its unique texture. Honey's thick and sticky texture can assist in lower acidity, aid in long-term acid reflux control, and successfully cure stomach pain. Honey's natural antimicrobial qualities also help to decrease inflammation in the stomach and esophagus.