According to scientific studies, yogurt includes the majority of the helpful bacteria, commonly known as probiotics. As a result, this diet has the impact of assisting the body in regulating bowel motions, improving diarrhea, increasing intestinal flora, and improving the body's immune system. Depending on the preferences of each patient, yogurt can be processed in a variety of ways, including utilizing yogurt alone or in combination with other fresh fruits.
Yogurt is alkaline and cool, so consuming it will help relieve internal digestive damage, build the body's resilience, lessen the process of flatulence, and restrict attacks. Acid reflux from the stomach. When you eat yogurt, the good bacteria will travel down your throat to your digestive tract and adhere to the mucosa, secreting a plethora of natural antibiotics and inhibiting unwanted bacteria. Not only that, but as it enters the stomach, it can lower the acid level, allowing ulcers to heal faster.