Similar to sweet potatoes, potatoes are a common tuber in many cultures. Potato soup and boiling potatoes are two examples of foods made with potatoes. In addition to being a nutrient-dense food, potatoes also have medicinal properties that can treat a variety of illnesses, including those that are connected to the stomach, gastrointestinal tract, acid reflux, and GERD.
The nutrients found in potatoes, including iron, glucide, protein, calcium, flavonoids, and vitamins of groups B and C, contribute to the body's ability to produce energy. Additionally, the antioxidants found in potatoes aid in lowering gastric acid output, effectively maintaining the stomach's lining and walls. As a result, substances like tryptophan, lysine, and cellulose do not have a deleterious impact on the stomach. Additionally, potatoes have antibacterial qualities that aid in preventing the growth of dangerous germs in the digestive system. To improve the efficacy of treatment, combine potatoes with other treatments or use them alone.