May promote weight management
Research suggests that coffee may affect how fat is stored and promote gut health, both of which may help with weight control. For instance, a review of 12 research found that, especially in men, more coffee intake may be linked to lower body fat. Increased coffee consumption was associated with less body fat in women, according to another study.
According to one research published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, caffeine boosts aerobic capacity and the maximal fat oxidation rate (MFO), which increases fat burning. The findings of the study supported the idea that consuming caffeine thirty minutes before engaging in aerobic exercise (like running or cycling) boosts fat burning. In additionally, it was shown that exercise intensity, fat oxidation, and maximum oxygen uptake were all higher in the late afternoon compared to the early morning. In short, coffee can increase fat burning if it is consumed in the afternoon, 30 minutes before exercise.