My Neighbour Totoro Miyazaki wrote and directed the 1988 Japanese animated fantasy film My Neighbor Totoro, which Studio Ghibli animated for Tokuma Shoten. The story of a professor's two young daughters (Satsuki and Mei) and their interactions with amiable wood spirits in post-World War II rural Japan is told in the movie, which also features the voices of Noriko Hidaka, Chika Sakamoto, and Hitoshi Takagi.
Streamline Pictures created an English-language dub in 1989 specifically for Japan Airlines' transpacific flights. The dub of the movie co-produced by Jerry Beck was distributed by Troma Films under their 50th St. Films label. Fox Video released this dub in American theaters in 1993, on VHS and LaserDisc in the country in 1994, and on DVD in 2002. The movie was re-released by Walt Disney Home Entertainment on March 7, 2006, with a new dub cast because the rights to this dub expired in 2004. Additionally, this version was published on March 15, 2006 by Madman in Australia and on March 27, 2006 by Optimum Releasing in the UK. The movie's DVD release marks the first time in American history that both English and Japanese language tracks have been included.
Directed by: Hayao Miyazaki
Starring: Chika Sakamoto, Noriko Hidaka, Hitoshi Takagi
Rating: 8,1/10, 331.229 reviews (IMDb rating)
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