American computer-animated movie Up was released by Walt Disney Pictures in 2009 and was made by Pixar Animation Studios. This is one of the best movies for toddlers. The movie was produced by Jonas Rivera, co-directed by Bob Peterson (making his feature film debut), and directed by Pete Docter. The movie's screenplay and story were likewise written by Docter and Peterson, with Tom McCarthy contributing to the latter. Ed Asner, Christopher Plummer, Jordan Nagai, and Peterson provide the voices for the movie. The story revolves around Wilderness Explorer Russell (Nagai) and elderly widower Carl Fredricksen (Asner), who travel to South America to carry out a commitment to his late wife Ellie. They come across a talking dog named Dug (Peterson) and a huge bird named Kevin along the journey. Kevin is being pursued by adventurer Charles Muntz (Plummer).
Docter first had the idea for Up in 2004, and it was originally called Heliums. It was inspired by the idea of fleeing from life when it gets to be too much. He traveled to Venezuela for three days with eleven other Pixar artists to do study and find inspiration. The characters' designs were heavily stylized and caricaturized, and animators struggled to produce realistic clothing. It was the first Pixar movie to be shown in 3D.
Directed by: Pete Docter
Starring: Ed Asner, Christopher Plummer, Jordan Nagai, Bob Peterson
Rating: 8,3/10, 1.023.207 reviews (IMDb rating)
Link to watch: https://www.disneyplus.com/movies/up/3XiRSXriK0E8