Organ meats

In many cases, organ meats are more nutrient-dense than muscle meats. Most organ meats are good sources of a variety of vitamins and minerals, including many of the B-Vitamins, iron, and zinc, with the notable exceptions of tripe (intestines) and brains.
Even though they are less well-known than protein sources like chicken and steak, organ meats are some of the foods that are the highest in minerals. As an example, a slice of beef liver (85 grams) contains 55%, 41%, 31%, and 33% of your daily requirements for selenium, zinc, iron, and phosphorus, respectively. Organ meats also provide a lot of protein and vitamins, such as vitamin B12, vitamin A, and folate. The vitamin B1 thiamin, also found in liver, is present. Thiamin has been found in studies to help prevent plaque formation and memory loss, two risk factors for Alzheimer's disease.