Shellfish are loaded with protein and healthy fats that may aid weight loss. Shellfish, such as oysters, clams, and mussels, are rich in selenium, zinc, copper, and iron and are concentrated sources of minerals.
6 medium-sized oysters (84 grams) supply 30% and 22% of your daily requirements for selenium and iron, respectively, while 6 oysters (84 grams) fulfill your daily requirements for zinc and copper. An important vitamin for immune system health, DNA synthesis, cell division, and protein synthesis is zinc. People who are at risk for zinc deficiency include pregnant and breastfeeding women, people with gastrointestinal disorders, those taking certain drugs, adolescents, and older adults. This condition can impair immunological function, hinder growth and development, and raise infection risk. For people at risk of developing a zinc deficiency, shellfish is a wise choice as they offer a rich dose of this essential mineral.