Weight loss support
In Oriental medicine, clams are listed as a type of seafood with sweet, salty, and warm taste, with the main effect of tonic blood, beneficial essence, moderate, supporting the treatment of blood damage, anemia, and dysentery. Clams are a strong source of protein, high in critical elements to help boost the body's flexibility and endurance, and they contain several minerals, including zinc and magnesium. Consequently, this kind of seafood is regarded as a delectable dish and a successful weight-loss tool.
According to the study above, depending on the type of clam you consume, 100g of clams contain 65–94 calories. You'll need roughly 500g of clam for a complete supper (without any additional foods). The number of calories you are now adding to your body ranges between 325 and 470. As a result, it is clear that a clam meal provides far fewer calories than the body requires for a meal. Thus, it can be said that eating clams does not make you fat but also weight loss support. On the other hand, silent people can benefit greatly by eating this.