Smartphone apps are a convenient, readily accessible tool for people experiencing anxiety who want quick guidance without the need for lengthy searching or taxing cognitive tasks. The Self Help for Anxiety Management (SAM) app is ideal in the heat of the moment. Developed by a university team, the content is accurate and based on current psychological models.
SAM is the most comprehensive anxiety app. It offers tools for assistance with anxiety in the immediate moment, such as breathing, mindful observing of pictures, and redirecting your focus, all of which are valuable techniques. Additionally, the methods are simple, straightforward, directive, and perhaps most appealing because they are uniquely interactive. You can, for example, uncover pieces of a picture at a time by dragging your finger across the screen. Slightly longer-term tools are also offered, such as increasing awareness of unhelpful thinking styles, questioning your thoughts, and self-care, among many more.
Another excellent feature of SAM is a brief four-part visual analog scale for rating your anxiety and tension, worrying thoughts, unpleasant physical sensations, and avoidance. The anxiety tracker provides a visual summary of your concern over time, enabling ongoing monitoring - an essential component of change.
Numerous additional features add to this app’s appeal, including the ability to save favorite tools to your anxiety toolkit for ease of access later. Combined with the “things that make me anxious” section, this has some of the makings of a mini staying-well-plan. The SAM app also has a social cloud area where users can interact. As with any form of social media, this can have its benefits and pitfalls, but you can choose whether to enter this area or not.
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