Star fruit
Star fruit, also referred to as carambola, is a colorful tropical fruit with a star shape that originates in Southeast Asia. You can eat it raw, but it's often prepared into juices or relishes.
Although star fruit is less widespread than many other kinds of fruit, those following a ketogenic diet frequently choose it because of its low carbohydrate count. In fact, a serving of star fruit weighing 1 cup (108 grams) only has 7.3 grams of carbohydrates and 3 grams of fiber. Additionally rich in vitamin C, copper, potassium, and pantothenic acid is star fruit. Star fruit contains 41% of your daily value of vitamin C, an essential antioxidant that can help prevent cardiovascular disease. You may incorporate star fruit into a fruit salad or a smoothie. You can make your breakfast plate more cheerful by adding star-shaped slices next to the eggs or with the salmon and bagel.