Top 10 Best Books On Digital Marketing

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The realm of digital marketing is a constantly moving landscape. However, if done exactly by following trends and employing well-suited techniques, digital ... read more...

  1. Gary Vaynerchuk is a New York Times bestselling author and the chairman of VaynerX, a modern day communications company, as well as the active CEO of VaynerMedia, a modern global creative and media agency intended to generate business outcomes for their clients. He is a well-known public speaker and an active investor, with stakes in companies such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Venmo, Coinbase, Slack, and Uber.

    Gary Vaynerchuk, New York Times bestselling author and social media specialist, gives hard-won insights on how to connect with customers and overcome the competition. Among the best books on digital marketing, Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook is a blueprint for effective social media marketing strategies that combines the best elements of Crush It! and The Thank You Economy.

    Managers and marketers plan for the "correct hook"—their next sale or campaign that will outperform the competition—when they create their social media plans. Even organizations who are committed to jabbing—patiently engaging with customers to create the relationships necessary for successful social media campaigns—want to land the knockout punch that will knock out their opponent or their customer's resistance in one blow. Right hooks convert traffic to sales and produce immediate results. Unless, of course, they don't.

    The winning mix of jabs and right hooks has changed as a result of enormous change and proliferation in social media platforms. Vaynerchuk demonstrates that, while communication is still important, context is more important than ever. It's not just about creating high-quality material; it's about creating high-quality content that's properly tailored to specific social media platforms and mobile devices—stuff designed specifically for Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and Tumblr.

    Author: Gary Vaynerchuk

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    Ratings: 4.6 out of 5 stars (from 2485 reviews)

    Best Sellers Rank: #33,360 in Books

    #56 in Web Marketing (Books)

    #104 in E-commerce Professional (Books)

    #364 in Entrepreneurship (Books)

  2. Jay Baer is a marketing keynote speaker, consultant, and pioneer in digital marketing. Since 1994, he has advised over 700 brands, including 30 of the FORTUNE 500. In addition to Youtility, he is the co-author of The NOW Revolution, a book about social business change. Baer is the author of the renowned blog Convince & Convert and the host of the weekly Social Pros podcast.

    The difference between helping and selling is only two letters, but those two letters are crucial. What if, in the face of greater competition than ever before, you stopped aiming to be extraordinary and instead focused on being useful?

    Youtility, created by Jay Baer, is a revolutionary business technique that cuts through the clutter: marketing that is actually, naturally beneficial. You make a customer today if you sell stuff, but you make a customer for life if you actually serve someone.

    Baer gives an innovative plan for combining knowledge and helpfulness to revolutionize the connection between firms and customers, drawing on real-world examples of organizations that are adopting Youtility as well as his experience helping over 700 brands improve their marketing strategy.

    See why Jay Baer's Youtility framework is now a common feature of many of the world's biggest firms' marketing frameworks, propels the marketing approach of thousands of small businesses, and is part of the curriculum of dozens of college and university business schools.

    Author: Jay Baer

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    Ratings: 4.6 out of 5 stars (from 257 reviews)

    Best Sellers Rank: #218,665 in Books

    #152 in Market Research Business (Books)

    #337 in Marketing & Consumer Behavior

    #2,801 in Behavioral Sciences (Books)
  3. Joe Pulizzi is the content marketing "godfather." He founded the Content Marketing Institute, the largest in-person international content marketing event, and Chief Content Officer magazine. Joe has spoken in over 200 cities and ten countries to advance the practice of content marketing. Joe also writes one of the world's most prominent content marketing blogs.

    How do you cut through the congestion of noise, turbulence, and bad information that is currently clogging your consumers' digital space?

    Joe Pulizzi, one of the world's greatest content marketing specialists, demonstrates how to attract prospects and consumers by generating information and material they want to connect with. Sellers can no longer interrupt the clients with subpar content (or sales messaging) that they don't care about.

    Epic Content Marketing walks you through the process of creating tales that inform, entertain, and compel people to act—all without telling them to. Epic content delivered to the right person at the right moment is the only way to fully capture customers' hearts and minds. It's how you establish your company as an industry authority. It's what customers share and discuss.

    Among the best books on digital marketing, Epic Content Marketing has everything you need to do the following:

    • Determine your content niche to attract and retain customers.
    • Create and refine your content marketing mission statement.
    • Create a system for creating and curating amazing content.
    • Discover how to use social and email channels to build and increase your audience.
    • Track the effectiveness of your content and raise your content marketing spend.

    With in-depth case studies of how John Deere, LEGO, Coca-Cola, and other major organizations are utilizing content to drive spectacular sales, this game-changing guide equips you with everything you need to begin generating and spreading content that leads directly to increased profitability and growth.

    Whether you're a Fortune 500 CMO, a digital marketer, or an entrepreneur, Epic Content Marketing equips you with the tools you need to crush the competition. Begin your incredible quest right now!

    Author: Joe Pulizzi

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    Ratings: 4.6 out of 5 stars (from 320 reviews)

    Best Sellers Rank: #114,567 in Books

    #37 in Search Engine Optimization

    #81 in Market Research Business (Books)

    #135 in Direct Marketing (Books)
  4. Seth Godin, Yahoo! Inc.'s Vice President of Direct Marketing, is in charge of Yahoodirect !'s marketing, permission marketing, and Internet promotions. Godin is the author and co-author of several best-selling business books, including E-Marketing, the first book published on how to do business online; The Guerilla Marketing Handbook, part of the best-selling Guerilla Marketing series; The Information Please Business Almanacm, a groundbreaking business reference book; and Permission Marketing: Turning Strangers into Friends and Friends into Customers.

    Whether it's a TV advertisement that interrupts our favorite show or a telemarketing phone call that interrupts a family dinner, traditional advertising is designed to divert our attention away from whatever we're doing. Interruption Marketing, as Seth Godin calls it, is no longer effective, as corporations are realizing.

    Rather of upsetting potential customers by interfering with their most valuable commodity—time—Permission Marketing provides consumers with incentives to accept advertising voluntarily. This Internet pioneer is now introducing a fundamentally new way of thinking about advertising items and services. Permission Marketing enables organizations to cultivate long-term relationships with clients, generate trust, boost brand awareness – and dramatically improve the odds of making a sale – by reaching out solely to those individuals who have indicated an interest in knowing more about a product.

    Author: Seth Godin

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    Ratings: 4.4 out of 5 stars (from 544 reviews)

    Best Sellers Rank: #179,263 in Books

    #56 in Search Engine Optimization

    #217 in Customer Relations (Books)

    #255 in Advertising (Books)
  5. Stephan Spencer is a popular author, bestselling SEO guru, Internet entrepreneur, and sought-after professional speaker. He is the author of Google Power Search and the coauthor of The Art of SEO and Social eCommerce, all of which are available through O'Reilly.

    Eric Enge is the founder and CEO of Stone Temple Consulting, a top SEO agency that services a diverse range of clients, including several Fortune 100 organizations. He contributes frequent columns to Search Engine Land and Search Engine Watch, as well as feature articles to SEOmoz.

    Jessie Stricchiola began her search engine optimization career in 1997 as the creator of Alchemist Media, Inc., a San Francisco search engine marketing company.

    Three recognized search engine optimization specialists discuss recommendations and creative approaches to help you create and execute a thorough SEO campaign. This third edition of The Art of SEO, along with an assortment of successful approaches ranging from basic to advanced, prepares digital marketers for 2016 with updates on SEO tools and new search engine optimization methods that have transformed the SEO environment.

    Novices will receive comprehensive SEO training, while seasoned SEO practitioners will gain a comprehensive reference to assist continued engagements.

    • Understand SEO's many nuances and complications
    • Investigate the fundamental concepts and inner workings of search engines.
    • Recognize the importance of social media, user data, and links.
    • Discover techniques for tracking outcomes and measuring success.
    • Investigate the implications of Google's Panda and Penguin algorithms.
    • Consider mobile, local, and vertical SEO options.
    • Create a capable SEO staff with well defined duties.
    • Take a look at the future of search and the SEO industry.

    Author: Eric Enge, Stephan Spencer and Jessie Stricchiola

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    Ratings: 4.4 out of 5 stars (from 212 reviews)

    Best Sellers Rank: #95,646 in Books

    #3 in Website Analytics

    #20 in E-Commerce (Books)

    #20 in Online Internet Searching
  6.'s Founder/CEO is Ryan Deiss. His innovative digital marketing methods have resulted in hundreds of millions of dollars in online sales. Russ Henneberry is's Director of Editorial. By implementing "whole funnel" content techniques, his team generates thousands of leads and sales each month.

    This pleasant, down-to-earth guide, written with the marketer's best interests in mind, shows you how to apply proven digital marketing methods and tactics to expand the reach of your brand, enhance audience engagement, and attract and monetize customers. From current best practices in SEO and SEM to the most successful ways to employ content marketing and influencer marketing, and everything in between, Digital Marketing For Dummies, one of the best books on digital marketing, will help you make the most of all your digital marketing efforts.

    What worked in digital marketing a few years ago is gradually losing relevance as electronic platforms and their users adapt. So, how can you stay afloat in such a fast-paced and very competitive environment? Don't worry about it! Digital Marketing For Dummies removes the guesswork from digital marketing by providing the most up-to-date advice and techniques for harnessing technology to get your product or service out to the masses. Whether you want to create a killer campaign from beginning or simply improve your social media presence, you'll find everything you need to fulfill your company objectives and increase your bottom line.

    • Create a digital marketing campaign that is unique to you.
    • To convert visitors, provide an excellent lead magnet.
    • Maintain your audience's interest in your brand, products, and services.
    • Create a return path for your customers by communicating with them frequently and strategically.

    If you're ready to take advantage of the latest and greatest in digital marketing, this no-nonsense guide will put you up for success.

    Author: Ryan Deiss and Russ Henneberry

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    Ratings: 4.5 out of 5 stars (from 401 reviews)

    Best Sellers Rank: #260,128 in Books

    #87 in Search Engine Optimization

    #392 in Web Marketing (Books)

    #719 in E-commerce Professional (Books)
  7. Convince & Convert, an online customer service and digital marketing consultancy and media company, is led by Jay Baer. He has five novels to his credit, including the New York Times best-seller Youtility. He writes for Inc., Entrepreneur, and, runs the world's number one content marketing site, and hosts multiple award-winning podcasts.

    Eighty percent of businesses claim to provide excellent customer service, yet just eight percent of their customers agree. Hug Your Haters will assist you in closing that gap by restructuring your customer service to provide outstanding experiences.

    The widespread use of smartphones and social media has drastically changed the science of complaints. Critics ("haters") can now express their anger more quickly and publicly than ever before. These tendencies have resulted in an overall increase in complaints and the perception among many firms that they must "choose their spots" when responding to critiques.

    Bestselling author Jay Baer explains why this strategy is disastrous. Hug Your Haters demonstrates that there are two categories of complainers, each with very different motivations, based on an extensive private study of how, where, and why they complain:

    • Offstage haters. These people are merely looking for solutions to their difficulties. They complain through traditional channels where they are more likely to receive a response—phone, e-mail, and company websites. Offstage detractors don't care if anyone else finds out as long as they have their questions answered.
    • Onstage haters. These people are frequently dissatisfied with traditional means of communication, therefore they resort to alternative channels such as social media, online review sites, and discussion boards. Haters onstage want more than solutions; they want an audience to join them in their righteous outrage.

    Hug Your Haters demonstrates how to deal with both groups by utilizing painstakingly researched case studies from organizations of all sizes and sorts from around the world. It comes with precise playbooks and algorithms, as well as a fold-out poster of "the Hatrix," which outlines the optimal strategies for various situations. The book also contains tragic and funny examples of haters gone wild and companies gone insane, as well as inspiring stories of businesses responding with quickness, compassion, and empathy.

    You will have detractors whether you work for a mom-and-pop shop or a worldwide business, and you cannot afford to ignore them. Baer's insights and strategies will teach you how to embrace complaints, turn haters into supporters, and turn bad news into positive consequences.

    Author: Jay Baer

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    Ratings: 4.4 out of 5 stars (from 338 reviews)

    Best Sellers Rank: #78,722 in Books

    #85 in Customer Relations (Books)

    #149 in Marketing & Consumer Behavior

    #506 in Marketing (Books)
  8. Donald Miller is the founder and CEO of Business Made Simple, an online platform that teaches business professionals what they need to know to grow a business and increase their personal value in the marketplace. He hosts the Business Made Simple podcast and has written several books, including the best-selling Building a StoryBrand.

    Nobody will buy your product if you use the wrong words to describe it. Marketers and business owners struggle to connect with their customers successfully, costing them and their firms millions of dollars in lost income.

    Donald Miller knows firsthand how difficult it is for business owners to effectively cut through the noise to reach their clients in a world plagued with frequent, on-demand diversions. In Building a StoryBrand, he reveals the tried-and-true system he developed to help you engage and actually impact clients.

    The StoryBrand approach is a tried-and-true answer to the problem that company leaders have while discussing their organizations. Customers that do not grasp what you can do for them and are unwilling to interact will cost you potential sales, customer engagement chances, and much more if you do not have a clear, unambiguous message.

    Donald Miller shows marketers and company owners how to leverage the seven universal characteristics of effective stories to radically enhance how they engage with clients and develop their businesses in Building a StoryBrand. The book is one of the best books on digital marketing.

    His tried-and-true process has assisted thousands of businesses in engaging with their existing consumers, giving them the ultimate competitive advantage. Building a Brand teaches you how to do this by teaching you:

    • The seven universal story points that all humans respond to;
    • the true reasons customers buy;
    • how to simplify a brand message so that people understand it;
    • how to produce the most effective messaging for websites, brochures, and social media.

    Building a StoryBrand will forever change the way you talk about who you are, what you do, and the unique value you bring to your customers, whether you are the marketing director of a multibillion-dollar company, the owner of a small business, a politician running for office, or the lead singer of a rock band.

    Author: Donald Miller

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    Ratings: 4.7 out of 5 stars (from 6641 reviews)

    Best Sellers Rank: #2,554 in Books

    #1 in Web Marketing (Books)

    #2 in Business Writing Skills (Books)

    #3 in E-commerce Professional (Books)
  9. Sean Ellis is the CEO and cofounder of, the world's largest online community for growth hackers, with 1.8 million subscribers worldwide. Sean created the phrase "growth hacker" in 2010 and organizes the Growth Hackers Conference. He speaks to start-ups and Fortune 100 companies on a regular basis and has been featured in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, WIRED, Fast Company,, and TechCrunch.

    Morgan Brown is an experienced startup marketer who co-founded with Sean. Both often speak at major conferences such as SXSW, TechWeek, HubSpot, and others.

    It's difficult to believe now, but there was a time when Airbnb was the best-kept secret of travel hackers and couch surfers, Pinterest was a niche web site only visited by bakers and crafters, LinkedIn was an exclusive network for C-suite executives and top-level recruiters, Facebook was MySpace's sorry step-brother, and Uber was a scrappy upstart that couldn't compete with the Goliath that was New York City Yellow Cabs.

    So, how did these businesses grow from their humble origins to become the powerhouses that they are today? Contrary to popular opinion, they did not achieve tremendous global fame by just creating a terrific product and crossing their fingers that it would catch on. Behind these companies' meteoric rise was a well-planned, meticulously executed strategy. This practice is known as Growth Hacking, and its practitioners include not only today's hottest start-ups, but also organizations such as IBM, Walmart, and Microsoft, as well as the millions of entrepreneurs, marketers, managers, and executives that comprise the Growth Hacker community.

    Consider the Growth Hacking methodology to be what Lean Start-Up was to product development and Scrum was to productivity. It entails cross-functional teams and rapid-paced testing and iteration that focuses on customers: acquiring, retaining, engaging, and driving them to return and spend more.

    Hacking Growth leads readers through the process of building and executing their own custom-made growth hacking plan, which is an accessible and practical toolset that teams and companies in various industries can use to increase their client base and market share. It is required reading for any marketer, entrepreneur, innovator, or manager seeking to replace inefficient huge bets and "spaghetti-on-the-wall" techniques with more consistent, reproducible, cost-effective, and data-driven results.

    Author: Sean Ellis and Morgan Brown

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    Ratings: 4.5 out of 5 stars (from 869 reviews)

    Best Sellers Rank: #124,671 in Books

    #142 in Direct Marketing (Books)

    #208 in Marketing & Consumer Behavior
  10. Simon Kingsnorth is a digital marketing, digital transformation, and user experience expert. Paid search, SEO, social media, affiliate, and email marketing are among his specialties, as are website design and development, acquisition, CRM, analytics, targeting, and personalisation.

    There are numerous digital marketing resources available, but finding a book that covers all disciplines might be difficult. This critical and very readable book gives a simple, step-by-step structure for designing, integrating, and measuring each digital platform and approach, all with the goal of achieving overarching business objectives.

    Digital Marketing Strategy, which now includes cutting-edge updates on social media, SEO, content marketing, user experience, and client loyalty, is an excellent road map for navigating:

    • Automated marketing, personalisation, messaging, and email
    • Integration both online and offline
    • The strength of technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) -New data protection and privacy techniques

    Digital Marketing Strategy, accompanied by downloadable practical implementation guides covering SEO, paid-search, email, lead-generation, and more, will show you how to effectively select, align, and manage digital channels and operations in order to streamline a winning digital marketing strategy for measurable, optimized results. Among the best books on digital marketing, it is a must-read for any marketer looking to develop a successful and practical digital strategy.

    Author: Simon Kingsnorth

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    Ratings: 4.6 out of 5 stars (from 482 reviews)

    Best Sellers Rank: #46,345 in Books

    #13 in Business Marketing

    #28 in Multilevel Marketing (Books)

    #78 in Web Marketing (Books)

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