Universiti Putra Malaysia

Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) has its origins in 1931, when it was founded as the School of Agriculture. Despite a number of name changes over the years, it has maintained an agricultural focus while also growing into a prominent research university.

UPM now consists of 16 faculties, 16 centers, nine institutes, one school, and one academy. There are a number of individual departments within each faculty, which are spread across two campuses. The main campus, which spans over 1,000 hectares of land, is located in Serdang, while a branch campus, which spans 700 hectares, is located in Bintulu, a coastal town in Borneo.

UPM has approximately 24,000 students, including approximately 4,500 international students. Undergraduates account for slightly more than half of the student body, with approximately 10,000 pursuing postgraduate studies. Every year, UPM accepts approximately 1,300 inbound exchange students and sends approximately the same number abroad to study.

UPM has a diverse campus life, and there is much more to life at the university than the lecture theatre. There are 17 colleges to choose from, as well as a variety of associations and clubs, including many arts and cultural clubs. There is a gym, sports hall, outdoor swimming pool, a football pitch with under soil drainage, a multi-purpose Astroturf pitch, tennis courts, a floodlit athletics park, a football stadium, and an 18-hole golf course among the sport facilities.

UPM has a number of partnerships with universities around the world through Memorandums of Understanding and Memorandums of Agreement. Mobility programs, staff and student exchanges, research collaborations, commercialized activities, and technology transfer are all examples of these connections. A number of joint degree programs are offered in collaboration with other universities, and UPM awards some PhDs in collaboration with the UK's Sheffield and Nottingham universities.

Website: upm.edu.my


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