Beau Rivage

Beau Rivage, a quintessentially French restaurant on the grounds of Newstead Belmont Hills Golf Resort & Spa, has no poor seats, with floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking glistening Hamilton Harbour. If you're a hotel guest, you've definitely eaten breakfast or lunch here, most likely on the breezy terrace. Cook Jean Claude Garzia, himself a winner of the prized Meilleur Ouvrier de France, France's top distinction for a chef, shines brightest at dinner.
Since the restaurant's inception in 2007, some of chef Roberts' most popular dishes have remained on the menu. There's parma ham with fried baby artichokes, parmesan, and truffle oil; shrimp pil pil in garlicky olive oil seasoned with red chillies; duck confit with orange gremolata and fava beans; and crisp lamb belly with green risotto, to name a few. Sure, they're all good options, but do yourself a favor and listen to the specials—the chef's star dishes are usually whatever he's preparing that night.
Rate: 4.3/5.0; 55 reviews (Source: Google .com)
Address:27 Harbour Road Paget PG, 02, Bermuda