Ratatouille (2007)
Ratatouille is a computer-animated comedy film released in 2007 by Walt Disney Pictures and produced by Pixar Animation Studios. It was the eighth Pixar picture, written and directed by Brad Bird, who took over from Jan Pinkava in 2005, and produced by Brad Lewis, based on an original idea by Bird, Pinkava, and Jim Capobianco. The title alludes to the French cuisine ratatouille, which is presented at the end of the film, as well as the main character's species, a rat. The story is set in Paris and follows Remy, a rat who aspires to be a chef and attempts to do it by creating an alliance with the garbage guy of a Parisian restaurant.
Ratatouille debuted on June 22, 2007, at the Kodak Theatre in Los Angeles, California, and was released in the United States on June 29, 2007. The film earned $623.7 million in box office revenue and gained worldwide critical acclaim for its narrative, animation, voice talents, and Michael Giacchino's music. It was also nominated for multiple Academy Awards, including Best Animated Feature and Best Original Screenplay. Ratatouille was later named one of the BBC's 100 best motion movies of the twenty-first century in a 2016 survey of worldwide critics.
Detailed information:
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Family, Fantasy
Stars: Patton Oswalt, Ian Holm, Lou Romano
Directed by: Brad Bird
Link to watch: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0382932